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  •  October 27, 2021
     3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join us on Wednesday, October 27 at 3 p.m. EST for a Webinar talk titled Productivity Hacks for All by Lianro WagenerSmith, an AU Alum Class of 2006

Time is a limited resource. Make the effort to set up efficiency steps to increase productivity, but always remember that quality time with family cannot be replaced.

Lianro is an AU Alumnus (2006), earning an Educational Specialist degree in School Psychology. She currently works as a school psychologist serving Berrien County public schools. Problem-solving for others brings her much joy, especially when she can help increase efficiency and have more intentional family time. She is married to an AU Alum and together they have two inspiring children.

Zoom info here:

Topic: Alumni Webinar – Productivity Hacks for All

Time: Oct 27, 2021 03:00 PM America/Detroit

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