You and your family are invited to join us for a regional event in your area. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a lovely meal and network with fellow alumni and friends. You will also see photos and hear current news from campus, and meet our president! All complimentary...
Single Event
contact us here: 269-471-3591
A single event that spans one or more consecutive days.
Orlando, Florida Regional Event
You and your family are invited to join us for a regional event in your area. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a lovely meal and network with fellow alumni and friends. You will also see photos and hear current news from campus, and meet our president! All complimentary...
New York Regional Event
You and your family are invited to join us for a regional event in your area. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a lovely meal and network with fellow alumni and friends. You will also see photos and hear current news from campus! All complimentary of the Andrews University...
Silver Spring, Maryland Regional Event
You and your family are invited to join us for a regional event in your area. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a lovely meal and network with fellow alumni and friends. You will also see photos and hear current news from campus, and meet our president! All complimentary...
Kalamazoo Area Regional Event
You and your family are invited to join us for a regional event in your area. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a lovely meal and network with fellow alumni and friends. You will also see photos and hear current news from campus, and meet our president! All complimentary...
Lake Region Camp Meeting
Join us at the Lake Region Camp Meeting this summer at our strawberry shortcake feed. Enjoy the dessert while fellowshipping with fellow alumni and Andrews University representatives. Complimentary of the Andrews University Alumni Association. No registration required. Time to be confirmed.
Michigan Camp Meeting
Join us at the Michigan Camp Meeting this summer for strawberry shortcake while fellowshipping with fellow alumni and Andrews University representatives. Complimentary of the Andrews University Alumni Association. No registration required.
Wisconsin Camp Meeting
Join us at the Wisconsin Camp Meeting this summer at our strawberry shortcake feed. Enjoy the dessert while fellowshipping with fellow alumni and Andrews University representatives. Complimentary of the Andrews University Alumni Association. No registration required.
Indiana Camp Meeting
Join us at the Indiana Camp Meeting this summer at our strawberry shortcake feed. Enjoy the dessert while fellowshipping with fellow alumni and Andrews University representatives. Complimentary of the Andrews University Alumni Association. No registration required.
Kiev, Ukraine Regional Event

Президент Andrews University, що в Сполучених Штатах Америки, д-р Андреа Лакстон приїжджає з візитом в Україну і запрошує всіх бажаючих відвідати зустріч, яка відбудеться в суботу, 26 травня о 19:00 в Українському гуманітарному інституті. В першу чергу, зустріч буде цікава для всіх, хто закінчив або побував у цьому навчальному...