Upcoming Events

Homecoming 2025

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We will be at the following locations soon. Come Visit and say hello!

Homecoming Recap

Lamson Hall Remodel

This summer, we were privileged to partner with Maranatha Volunteers International on a project to update Lamson Hall, the women’s residence hall, which was originally built in 1947 and 1967.

Approximately 60 people, including volunteers from multiple states and several countries, Plant Services and Residence Life employees, and contract workers, contributed to this project. Thanks to these dedicated individuals and our generous donors, 31 residence hall rooms and 12 suite bathrooms have been updated.

Altogether, with updates that have taken place over the past 12 months, 172 of our students now benefit from these changes this fall semester. We look forward to future collaboration with Maranatha in summers to come, through which we will continue to improve the campus living experience for our students.

If you are interested in helping out for the next wave of Lamson rennovations in 2025, please register below:

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